Thursday, April 12, 2012


My sister has a cat which she named Paul.  Haii..adik aku, nama nak mat salleh aje hehe.  Anyway I call him Paul the toteless cat..sbb dah kena snip snip. keh keh keh

All cats have their own personality right..well, Paul thinks he's human.  He wants to drink from a glass...yes, he refuse to drink from the normal plastic container but will only drink from a glass.  If we want to leave the house, we have to inform him. Bcoz if not, balik nanti kena lecture (growling like he's nagging) and he'll bite you to show his displeasure.  But if you did inform him earlier, he'll act normal.  He also likes to watch us from his favorite place which is the TV counter, where I  personally I think he feels he's the "master" and watches over his servants i.e. us!

The only thing I don't like about Paul is he likes to ambush us.  And he always does when you lease expects it!  Bila balik rumah, and you have lots of things in your hand and you're trying to get into the house..that's the time he'll come and attack your legs.  When its time to go to the office,  tgh mamai pagi2 and you walking down the stairs..that's when he attacks you.  When you just open your bedroom door to get out, suddenly he attacks you.  When your hands are full with your laundry..he come's and attacks you.  When you are watching tv, doing nothing..suddenly he attacks you.

Dulu I allowed him to sleep with me.  But everytime he does, he thinks I'm some pillow that need some adjustment for his comfort.  So, dia ada this massage teknik with he's paws and kuku!!  He'll be pushing certain part of yr limbs while making room for him to sleep comfortably.  I end up not sleeping..while he's oblivious, purring in his dreams.  So no more..I need my sleep.

Paul the toteless cat...I hope no ambush tonight.

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