Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Saw The Vow on dvd last weekend.  Spoke with a friend of mine and how we wish we could wake up from coma (err..skip the coma part..auzubillah...), but just wake up with Channing your husband!!  Really guy!!! Err..siapa tak nak?? Amendelah minah tu..trying to find herself konon..ish ish ish..rugi wey!!

Supposedly its based on a true story..then they put the actual photo of the real couple.   Laaaa.... patutlah, the real mamat tu tak hensem! hahahaha!!! No wonder she was trying to find herself first before committing back to that guy.  keh keh keh...  Sahlah sume mukalistik!!  I mean ifff dalam Ombak Rindu, the guy bukan rupa Aaron Aziz..muka macam mat rempit tongkang pecah ke..rasa2 Maya Karin nak ke dinikahi atas dasar tak nak dosa maksiat?? Ke first nite dia kat rumah tu, dah cabut lari balik kg or ke rumah Hassan pemain layang-layang..orrrr ikut common sense, pergi ke balai polis and report kena culik and rape?? Oh tidak... sebab muka Aaron Aziz..bawak BMW...kena rogol pun jadi sayanggg kaaaan!!!  Redha and pasrah katanya!  Something is sooo not right with the movie...  Entahlah..tapi fofular citer tu kan sampai ada stamp??!!!

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