Friday, April 06, 2012

Ayoyo Vale....

Have you read about the Vale issue and the letter Zambry showed against Nizar?  I find this story really interesting.  Here you have Pakatan Rakyat going on and on about the government being liars, full of corruption, not listening to the people, no transparency... and how Pakatan will change all this if they are in power.

Well, lets look at this Vale case.  Vale, a Brazilian co. wanted to set up operations in Teluk Rubiah near Lumut.  The opposition question the operation's location on why was it approved at Teluk Rubiah and not Tg Hantu.  They stated they never supported and was not involved in Vale's plan to set up the multi-billion ringgit operation in Teluk Rubiah.  Macam biasalah..blame the government and accuse macam2 about this project.

Now, the best part is Zambry showed the letter signed by Nizar when he was the Menteri Besar and how he had approved the project, location etc and fully supported the whole damn thing!!  So..Nizar actually lied to the public just to make the government look bad??!!  Err..u bukan ke represent parti PAS, parti yg objektif utama untuk mempertahankan dan mentadbir mengikut agama Islam?  Why did you lie?

I'm just an average Malaysian who wants this country to be run by a government who will look after the benefit of the people.  If you say the present government is not doing a good job and you can do better...well kindly show it!! Why have you strayed and use whatever means to the point of blatantly lying, just so that you can achieve your political agenda?  Apa beza between your party and the present government?  If you the opposition really are looking out for the people,and sincere in making positive changes, then why do you need to play dirty politics? So nak jadi Menteri Besar ni really for the people or for you to syok sendiri?  Coz from where I see it..sama je...lost in yr chase to be in power that you have sold your soul to the devil.  

In politics, everybody always say they want to make a change...but in the end... they change to feed their personal interests.  Ayoyo Vale..cakap tara serupa bikin!!

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